The Testing Process
Psychological evaluation is a time-intensive process that typically takes several weeks from intake to feedback session. It is typical for testing to take several hours across multiple appointments, depending on what the evaluation is for. Please plan accordingly.
Our fee for comprehensive psychological evaluations is $215 per hour. After intake a deposit of $250 is due to book testing sessions. Any remaining balance is due at the feedback session, during which we will review your results.
Your health insurance benefits may cover all or part of the cost of testing. If you plan on using insurance, please contact your insurance provider ahead of time to verify if your benefits cover psychological testing. Many insurance companies require that you call and request authorization before starting evaluation. If we are considered out-of-network for your insurance provider, we will provide you the paperwork to submit for reimbursement of your out-of-pocket costs. Otherwise, you will be financially responsible for all costs. Some questions you may ask your health insurance company include:
Is psychological testing conducted by a licensed psychologist a covered benefit?
What is my deductible and has it been met? Do I need to meet my deductible before my copay/coinsurance applies to my testing sessions?
Do I need an authorization code prior to the start of testing?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?
Is there a limit to how many hours of testing my benefits cover?
If Dr. Rath is considered out-of-network for my insurance, what kind of paperwork is required to be reimbursed for my out-of-pocket costs?
Starting The Testing Process
Before the intake interview we will send you a packet of paperwork to complete and bring to the appointment. Depending on the type of evaluation you are interested in, this packet may contain a screening assessment and a symptom/health history form. It will also be helpful for you to bring any relevant records that will help us better understand your symptom history. This may include report cards, transcripts, and reports from previous assessments completed by other professionals. Your best effort and honesty about your experience are invaluable during the evaluation process.
Please note that participation in the intake process does not necessarily mean that testing is the appropriate intervention. We may determine that testing is unnecessary or not appropriate for your concern. In this event, we will discuss options that may best meet your needs.
How To Prepare For Testing
After the intake, we will schedule 2-3 sessions during which you will do different kinds of activities. Before each testing session, it is important that you get a good night’s rest, eat a balanced meal, and take any medications as prescribed unless otherwise discussed during the intake process. Feel free to bring any snacks and beverages you may want for breaks.
It is normal to be nervous before and during the testing process. We take care to provide clients with a comfortable environment and incorporate breaks into testing sessions. These are good opportunities to reenergize by taking a short walk or eating a snack.
What Happens After Testing?
Please keep in mind that the additional process of scoring the tests, interpreting results, and writing a detailed integrative report is time intensive. The testing entire process from intake to receiving your report can take several weeks. This depends largely on how testing sessions are scheduled, how long it takes for us to review any records you submit, and when you complete assigned tasks at home. During the feedback session we will discuss diagnoses and recommendations. Your report will be uploaded to your online patient portal.
Testing with kids (Seattle only)
The idea of psychological evaluation can be intimidating to children. It can be helpful to describe the evaluation process as a collection of different activities that help us figure out how to help them feel better at school and at home. Your child may wonder if something “wrong” with them. Here are some helpful ways to address these concerns:
Try to avoid using the word “test," which can trigger anxiety in school-aged children.
Listen to your child’s concerns without judgment. It is okay to be nervous!
Explain to your child that they will be meeting with a psychologist or psychometrist alone but that you will be nearby.
Let your child know that evaluation is another way for us to better understand what they are experiencing (as opposed to focusing on what’s "wrong”).
Explain that psychological evaluation is not unusual. Other kids and adults participate in testing, too.
Explain that children learn in different ways and that testing helps parents and teachers figure out how to help them do their best.
Forensic Testing
If you are interested in psychological evaluation related to legal proceedings, please have your attorney contact Dr. Rath directly.